Employee Spotlight: Sarah Lopez

Just like how WhiteWater has offices in far-flung corners of the world—Vancouver, Shanghai, Dubai, and Barcelona—some of our staff, too, have lived in various countries across the globe. Sarah Lopez, our Sales Coordinator who is based at our Barcelona office has lived in South America and Europe, picking up four languages in the process. A nature-lover and adventure-seeker, Sarah thrives on outdoor fun and puts her multilingualism to use when dealing with clients from all over Europe.

Please tell us a bit about yourself

My story starts in Mexico, where I was born. When I turned three, my family and I moved to Paris, France. I then moved to Germany for my studies and did a Double Bachelor (Duales Studium) in Business and Economics (Betriebswirtschaft). After that, I moved back to France where I did my Masters in Business Development and Marketing. After joining the work force, life brought me to Barcelona where I have been living for 3 years now. Thanks to my globe-trotting lifestyle, I currently have 3 nationalities and speak 4 languages.

What do you do at WhiteWater?

I’m currently a Sales Coordinator for the ERA (Europe, Russia, Africa) market, which is sales support for our onsite sales team. I help them with their everyday projects and in discussions with clients. Additionally, I’m also a sales developer.

I’m in charge of expanding and improving communications at every step of our business (prospection, customer requests, and after sales services) and developing WhiteWater communications in Europe with the support of our Marketing team.

It’s a position that requires lots of multitasking, which I enjoy very much because every day is different. It also requires a lot of proactive work, organizational skills, and self-efficiency.

The attractions industry is still new to me and I’m happy that there is so much to learn. This is my motivation as it challenges me every day and helps me grow.

Of all the places that you’ve lived in, which one do you like best and why?

Every place that I’ve lived in was magical and unique in its own way and each left me with wonderful memories. It’s probably why today, I love traveling, meeting new people, and discovering new cultures. Right now, I have a very happy life in sunny Barcelona and don’t see myself moving any time soon.

What is on your bucket list?

I would love to travel more around Asia and South America to learn more about that part of the world. I also plan to increase my fluency in Portuguese and Italian because language skills are very important in Europe. When you have a meeting with clients, it is always beneficial to discuss details in their native tongue. This way, they’re usually more receptive to ideas and plans that are laid out.

What is the most interesting place that you’ve visited and why?

I’ve always had a passion for Spain. Beautiful Mediterranean weather, scrumptious food, and the language sounds like a late-night serenade with Flamenco music playing in the background. I used to travel here every summer with my family. We would go sightseeing, enjoy and soak in the Spanish culture and way of life, and make new friends. In Spain, I had the chance to visit a lot of different cities, far from the touristy areas and really live the proper Spanish lifestyle.

What is your hidden talent?

I am a fast learner. I find it really easy to learn anything that sparks my interest. For example, I once watched someone dancing salsa and I immediately picked it up just like that! The same thing applies to the attractions industry. Because it’s so interesting and I’m passionate about it, I can assimilate new information really well.

What do you love about working at WhiteWater?

Being part of WhiteWater and working with all these talented and passionate people! Unlike my previous jobs, here I feel like I’m part of something unique. Everybody is always available to help and support you to make things happen.

What is your favourite WhiteWater product?

I really like the Boomerango! It is a classic and very enjoyable slide.

Which is your favourite park?

The first water parks that I had the chance to visit were in Dubai with Una. My two favourites are Wild Wadi and Atlantis. Wild Wadi is smaller but nicely designed, offering a Master Blaster dynamic journey that replaced their old lazy river ride.

Atlantis invokes feelings of calm serenity of the great outdoors, with lots of green space, an aquarium, and direct access to the various rides.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Owning and managing my own Flow House™ on a tropical island resort!

What do you do outside of work? What’s your favourite past time?

After work, I like to rollerblade to the beach before the sun sets and enjoy the last minutes of the day, watching people play volleyball or sitting on the sand for a drink while listening to music or live musicians. During weekends, I love to do outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking, and travelling. Once in a blue moon when the clouds and the rain show up, I like to stay home for a nice couch/movie chill day.

Dawn Kirby